Saturday, March 31, 2007

I have decided to never again get CDs with my pictures when I get them developed. I just can't afford it. So while i try to set up my dad's old scanner at my house I will continue to post old pictures. They're decent, I feel, but I've looked at them so many times that they aren't all that exciting to me anymore and I don't have much to say about them. Plus, they're still part of my classroom exercises where I try to maximize my use of aperture and shutter speed, so there isn't any sort of story behind them besides "I had to do this."

In any case, this picture here is of my living room. I like the cropping and the numerous doors in the frame, and the one that is slightly off focused and open. Makes me feel like I'm looking in a room where I'm not supposed to be. Again, I did a little work with the contrast using GNU's GIMP software.

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